The Pet Boss Blog

April Is Stress Awareness Month: 5 Tips for Managing Stress as a Pet Business Owner

Did you know that April is recognized as Stress Awareness Month?

As pet business owners, learning skills to manage our stress can go a long way in maintaining a mind-healthy lifestyle and avoiding burnout in our businesses. 

We compiled a list of tips that can help Pet Bosses recognize, anticipate, and combat stress the whole year round!  

When reading through these tips, remember– stress management is always a work in progress. None of these are rules that need to be followed! Do what feels good for you.

1. Do mindset work.

Taking steps to make sure your business owner mindset is full of positivity and enthusiasm will have a powerful impact on the day-to-day in your business. When you are constantly pouring into your business, it’s important to remember to refill that mindset cup so you can continue showing up as your best self.

How? Here’s one idea– Start every day by writing down three things you felt proud of in your business the day before. Be sure to use words to describe the accomplishments that evoke strength and success. Did you run a really successful promo? Are your services booked out? Did you get all of your orders placed? Is your store clean and put together? Did you make it to work a little early? No matter what the win was, count it. These wins add up, and when you start the day focusing on what is going right, you’ll gain positive momentum! Let go of anything you cannot change from the day before, as it will only drag your mindset down. 

Always remember- you are enough, no matter how stressful things seem. You always have the ability to change the things around you. Your business is not a reflection of you as a person. It’s a reflection of what you are prioritizing.

2. Don’t forget about self-care!

We know that working self-care into an already jam-packed Pet Boss schedule sounds easier said than done. That’s why we should look at self-care as smaller, realistic things that you can make happen. 

For example, sign off of your business’s social media at a certain time each evening. Give yourself a mental break from being “on” for your business all the time! 

Do you enjoy exploring new places with your dog? Your dog is going to need a walk anyway, so veer off the usual path and treat your brain to a refreshing new view! 

Is there a coffee spot you love near your business? Choose one day a week to treat yourself to your favorite item on their menu rather than packing your own cup.

These are all forms of self-care that don’t mean you have to step away from your business for a chunk of time but can still be the right pick-me-up when stress starts to feel heavy.

3. Delegate (when you can).

As business owners, it’s easy for us to fall into the habit of “doing it all”. 

While the desire to wear all of the hats is real, especially in those early days of business, we should always be mindful of looking for opportunities to delegate tasks. 

Make a list of the things you really enjoy doing in your business and another list of the things you wouldn’t mind passing off. What is your zone of genius? What puts pep in your step? As soon as an opportunity arises, refer back to this list to see what is the first task to delegate. 

Do you have a partner who is great at social media and wants to help? If you’re ready to hire an employee, ask the right questions to ensure they possess the skills needed to complete the tasks you plan to delegate. 
Look for those chances to let others help you and focus on the things you love doing.

4. Make adjustments when needed.

If you find yourself feeling stressed out often, have an honest conversation with yourself about making adjustments. If you don’t address the stress, the effects will trickle down into other areas of your business. 

So, what can change to alleviate that feeling? 

Can you adjust your hours to give yourself more of a break (even if it just means sleeping in an extra hour)? 

Are there services that you can add or take away that will make your life easier and have minimal effect on your business operation? 

Are you ready to hire? If so, what does that look like and how can splitting up the workload help you and your new staff? 

You set the rules, but that does not mean they’re set in stone. Things can change in your business, and that’s okay! For more tips on adjusting things in your business to make your life easier, check out Episode 9 of the Boss Your Business Podcast.

5. Find a community of like-minded people.

There’s no better feeling than knowing we aren’t alone. Whether it’s in business or in interests, having other people to share in triumphs, struggles, and everything in between just feels good. 

What are your interests outside of your business? For example, if you love to read, is there a book club you can join to interact with others outside of work? Find a group of people who can help your brain escape the real world once in a while.

If you have trouble thinking of a hobby to pursue, think back to when you were younger. What did you love as a kid or teen that you might be able to spark up some interest in now? Once you pursue the activities that help you to escape work life, you’ll come back to work feeling refreshed and recharged!

On the flip side, finding other like-minded pet business owners will give you a whole new outlook on your business! Pet Boss Nation thrives on community. Just because you started your business solo does not mean you’re in it alone! We have brought together so many Pet Bosses that understand every bit of what you’re going through, including the stress. We lean on each other in good times and bad, and having a community of people behind you is simply priceless. 

You can join our Free Facebook Community to find other Pet Bosses just like you, or get on the waitlist for our Pet Boss Club for exclusive access to peers, mentors, and coaches that can help you manage your stress while growing your business. 

Stress is a tricky thing to combat, but the first step is recognition! Being aware of our stress means we can address it, and addressing it means positive outcomes for ourselves and our pet businesses!

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  • Need 1:1 support to make massive action now? Book a discovery call with us to see if working 1:1 with Candace is the right fit for you.
  • Get on the waitlist! You’re passionate about pets. It’s time to have a business that supports the life you want, too! Learn the specific techniques to find new customers, to increase sales and to build a better team for ANY kind of pet business by joining the Pet Boss Club! Get on the waitlist here.

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Need 1:1 support to make massive action now? Book a discovery call with us to see if working 1:1 with Candace is the right fit for you.

Join the Pet Boss Club®! You’re passionate about pets. It’s time to have a business that supports the life you want, too! Learn the specific techniques to find new customers, to increase sales and to build a better team for ANY kind of pet business by joining the Pet Boss Club®!