The Pet Boss Podcast

Episode 162: 3 Profit Boosting Trends Your Pet Business Cannot Ignore in 2025

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We are pulling out ALL the stops to help you thrive in 2025– including bringing you Pet Boss Nation’s newest Industry Insights and Optimization Expert, Lynn Switanowski of Pet Retail Helper!
Yup, Lynn is bringing her 17+ years of pet industry brilliance straight to YOU– our Pet Boss Nation community. First, here on this podcast episode… and then directly in our program Profit Clinics and beyond!

Plain and simple, Lynn has the knowledge to connect all the moving parts of your pet business to make you more MONEY. And since we’re SERIOUS about helping you thrive this year, we knew we had to bring her on board!

In this episode, Candace and Lynn break down three trends that are MUST-knows if you’re going to adapt to the times and make more profit in your pet business. You’ll hear more about:

Improving your processes to increase your profits– because, yes, there IS a connection, and you’ll see why!

The “market of one” and why giving your customers a personalized experience will absolutely boost your retention.

Embracing more than one selling channel and how to adapt to the different needs of your customers in order to still get the sale.

A sneak peek inside Pet Boss Nation University’s very popular Profit Clinics– and how they just got even better with Lynn on board!

The days of crossing your fingers for profit are OVER. It’s time to PLAN for it! This episode is overflowing with real life examples of how to make that happen. So hit play and stop leaving money on the table! 

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