The Pet Boss Podcast

Episode 82 | Your Customers Aren’t Hiding– You Are! 3 Rules to Follow To Increase Your Traffic.

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If you build it… the customers will come when you FIND them.

Wouldn’t it be nice if finding customers to buy from your business was just an “if you build it, they will come” scenario? 

It’s not the case, and you’re not alone if you’re in need of more people buying from you to reach the business goals you have in mind! 

The more eyes you have on your business, whether in person, online, or elsewhere, the more traffic you create…. And then the more customers you bring in and turn into raving loyal fans. 

It’s traffic, conversion, and retention… and it all plays a part in making more money in your pet business! Luckily, this episode marks the start of a deep dive into all three!

Today’s episode focuses on TRAFFIC. Candace walks you through: 

What traffic actually is– because there are more ways to be seen than you’re probably thinking! 

Two major rules to keep in mind for your business– to get seen AND stand out. 

The results you can expect when you start consistently feeding your marketing funnel with potential buyers. 

The 3 by 10 rule– a 20-minute exercise that’ll leave you with 30 days of content ideas for your business! 

How to STOP hiding in your business and find the confidence to market yourself. You are not annoying your audience! 

It all starts at the top of the funnel, Pet Boss! Dive into this episode before we release the next two that will tackle conversion AND retention. Once you nail down these three things in your business, you’ll be truly unstoppable. 

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