The Pet Boss Blog

Get Outstanding Retail Marketing Results Using Basic Customer Stats

Customer data collection has come under fire over the years thanks to companies using shady business tactics to spy on their customers and participating in unethical behavior like selling that data without permission. But we’re here to assure you that not all customer data collection is bad. In fact, with permission and the right procedures in place, you can use customer data to provide outstanding customer service and get the most out of your retail marketing.

But before we dive in, let’s have a little business refresher. What’s retail marketing? 

Retail marketing is everything that you do to increase the awareness of your store and get the products you carry in the hands of your customers.

Here’s where knowing details about your customers can make a huge difference in your bottom line.

One of the main reasons to collect simple customer stats is so you can keep in touch with them via mail, like actual mail with postage delivered by a mail carrier. Now, we know you’re probably thinking snail mail is dead. But judging from the amount of junk mail in your recycling bin right now, we beg to differ. 

So how do you engage your customers via mail and keep your offers out of the bin? Make it personal. 

Instead of rushing a generic promotional direct-mail flyer out the door, make a list of personal touches you can implement in your business today (and not just as a clever way to sneak in a little retail marketing into the customer journey!). 

We’re talking handwritten thank you cards, pet birthday cards, postcards after a big win from your home team, and more. Small gestures prove to customers they are not just a benchmark to hit on the way to hit your revenue goals. 

But in order to do something special for a customer, you have to have enough information about them. That’s where your mailing list comes into play.

Your mailing list acts as your retail marketing superpower. You know how pet sitters, dog walkers, sales reps and mobile groomers have all of their clients’ information in a database? That’s like gold to them because it’s how they book clients and make profits. They know every last detail about the pets and their owners. 

Now, apply this to retail, groomers, trainers and daycares. Do you see how these businesses can benefit from having their own well-maintained and curated database?

Getting started with your own list shouldn’t be hard work. That’s why we put together the top 25 stats you should collect from your customers and how to differentiate them in your database so you can communicate with them based on their needs.

Basic Customer Stats You Need to Know and Track

  • Full Name
  • Spouse’s / Partner’s Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Cell Phone
  • Pet’s Names and Birthdays
  • Customer’s Birthday
  • Dog, Cat, Fish, Horse or Bird Owner
  • Breed of Dog, Cat, Bird, Etc.
  • Puppy vs. Senior Pet
  • Pet Gender
  • Multiple Pet Family
  • New Pet Owner
  • Loyalty Program Users or Frequent Buyer Food Program Users
  • Event Attendance
  • Participate in Training Classes
  • Grooming Customers
  • Top Customers (25 Percent Customers)

Remember to always ask permission or make it clear that you’re doing so before collecting and keeping data about your customers.

Having this kind of data about your customer is key to retail marketing success. You will impress your customers when you ask about their pet by name or mention an upcoming birthday. It’s a tried and true way to provide amazing customer service.

Once you begin tracking these details, you’ll need a Customer Relationship Management — or CRM — system in place to put your hard-earned data to work! A quality CRM will enable you to segment your customers, pull sales reports, send emails and more. You should be able to pull many details from your point-of-sale system to load it into your CRM once it’s in place.

In the market for a CRM? We’ve had experience with Mailchimp and Constant Contact. But we recommend looking into other providers like Klavio, Zoho, Hubspot, Salesforce, Insightly and FreshSales to make sure your retail marketing needs are fully met.

Whatever you do, get started immediately! Even if you just use an Excel sheet. Every person you meet in person (or even online) is a potential customer or can share your business with the pet lovers in their life.

To get more retail marketing resources specific to your pet care business, join us in the Pet Boss Nation Facebook group. It’s a dynamic community of Pet Bosses from all over the country who share what’s working in their stores and what they’ve learned along the way.

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