The Pet Boss Blog

Why Money Mindset Matters For Maximizing Success In Your Pet Business

It’s true, money can’t buy happiness. But wouldn’t it be nice to finally try a new pet business training program? Or take a well-deserved dream vacation? A positive money mindset and smart financial habits can help make that happen for you as a pet business owner. 

The brutal truth is that 6 out of 10 Americans are caught in the paycheck-to-paycheck trap, and this struggle is also hitting local pet businesses hard.

Too many pet pros aren’t paying themselves or are barely paying themselves. Still, they sacrifice their well-being to keep their businesses going, and they can’t seem to break the exhausting cycle.

What if money could feel…easier? 

How can you get to this point? 

Let’s start with something you can control: Shifting your money mindset.

But first, what’s your money story, Pet Boss?

This is the deeply ingrained narrative that shaped your beliefs and behaviors around money. And best believe we all carry financial baggage from our past, even down to a cellular level. (Yup, it’s in your DNA!) 

It began with things you picked up from family and friends, including childhood moments where you compared what you had to what others did (or didn’t). What did your family say about finances? Was money tight, or was there always plenty? This mix of family patterns, early experiences, and money traumas gets passed down, influencing how you talk about money without fully realizing it—whether you feel abundant, pinched, or somewhere in between.

This isn’t about blaming anyone. You can’t change the past, but you can trace where your money mindset comes from and act differently from now on.

Now, let’s explore the two kinds of money mindset a pet business owner might have.

1. Scarcity mindset: For pet business owners with this outlook, there’s never enough time, money, or opportunity. Phrases like “I’m broke. I can’t do that. Money doesn’t grow on trees.” become a regular mantra. 

Do you find yourself constantly worrying about when more money is coming in? Are you reluctant to invest in yourself or your pet business out of fear?

2. Abundance mindset: Individuals with “growth” in mind believe there’s more than enough to go around. They’re more likely to take risks that help them and their local pet businesses grow. 
Setbacks don’t throw them off course because they trust their ability to adapt and learn. In short, this money mindset sees possibilities instead of limits.

So, how do you have a more abundant money mindset (and get the positive cash flowing in your life)?

First, let’s do a fun exercise to reveal your current mindset. 

Jot down the first three words that pop into your head when you think about money. Don’t overthink it, so you can really gauge where your money mindset is. 

All right, ready? 1, 2, 3. 

Reflect on the words you wrote. Are they positive or negative? If they feel discouraging instead of empowering, remember: Money is just a tool. It doesn’t have to control your emotions. Take the pressure off money and ask yourself where the negative associations came from.

Then flip the script! What three words do you want to think about when it comes to money? Maybe it’s “freedom,” “choice,” or “security.” Write them BIG, put them where you’ll see them, and repeat them daily. You’re literally rewiring your brain and reinforcing positive beliefs about money.

Next, here’s a step-by-step process for assessing and improving your money mindset as a pet business owner.

STEP 1: Take an inventory of  your finances

Create a spreadsheet, grab a notebook, whatever works for you. Tally up the numbers, such as income and expenses (both fixed and those that change).  Get the complete, unfiltered picture. When you know where you stand, you can build a better financial plan for your pet business.

STEP 2: End the comparison game

The Facebook groups, the pet businesses down the street, and maybe even your family—their financial journey is NOT your business. You don’t know what their money story is behind closed doors. You can’t control what others have or do. Keep your eyes on your own money goals.

STEP 3: Focus on growth opportunities

It means finding new ways to make more money, improving your average sale, and getting large expenses under control.

STEP 4: Activate your new money mindset with affirmations.

Words have power! So, give yourself a pep talk, especially when you’re slipping into scarcity thinking.

Here are a few money affirmations to get you going:

  • “I believe in my skill and ability.”
  • “I believe in my team’s skill and ability, and I will guide them.”
  • “I am wealthy in more ways than one.”
  • “I control my money; my money doesn’t control me.”
  • “I love money because…” and then insert your reason.

All work and no pay makes for a burnt-out local pet business owner.

You’re bringing your passion for pets every single day, but somewhere along the way, your well-being can get lost in the shuffle and replaced with overwhelm, compassion fatigue, and doubts over why you even dreamed up your pet business. By doing money mindset work, you get back that love lost! So, invest in YOU—and have more joy, freedom, and impact in your personal and pet business life.

Browse more money resources for pet businesses:

Episode 16 of The Pet Boss Podcast | Managing Cash Flow

Episode 31 of The Pet Boss Podcast | Cash Flow Crash Course

Blog Money Mini-Series | 5 Steps to Increase Your Income

Episode 130 of The Pet Boss Podcast | Three- Step Framework For Tackling Money Problems Like A Pet Pro

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